The labelling of dissent - politics and psychiatry behind the GreatWall就是異議份子的標籤化,政治上的異議份子,在長城背後的政治與精神醫學,就是要講統治者在沒有民主自由的社會裏面去定義政治異議份子有病。所以在這樣的情況下精神醫學不再是客觀中立的醫學,他變成統治者的統治意識形態或統治工具的一個打手,這是一個實例,事實上在中國社會裏面,對待異議份子用精神醫學的方式去說明並不是中國才有,前蘇聯對待很多異議份子也是送到集中營與療養院,理由是他們的政治主張與主政者不同,就被定義成精神疾病,並給予精神治療,從監禁、吃藥,到電擊都發生在中國的法輪功事件。
The practice of forced incarceration of political dissenters in psychiatric institutions in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe undermined the credibility of psychiatric practice in these states and drew forceful condemnation from the international community.
Anti-psychiatrists would argue, however, that such forced hospitalisations are consonant with Western psychiatric practice, which conceptualises deviant behaviour in terms of mental illness.Whether or not one accepts that political power is intrinsic to the social role of a psychiatrist (Szasz, 1994), there is little doubt that the potential for exploiting psychiatry to reinforce social norms and even political interests, is enormous.
The practice in China of labelling nonconformists as mentally ill has as long a history as the People’s Republic itself, but this abuse of psychiatric practice has hitherto received little comment in the West.
The July 1999 crackdown by Chinese authorities against members of the Falun Gong movement has raised fears that political motivations are behind a new wave of involuntary committals of its followers to psychiatric institutions.
What is Falun Gong and why the crackdown?
Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) is a popular movement that advocates channelling energy through mental concentration and exercises. It is a meditative discipline that draws from Buddhism, Taoism and the traditional Chinese doctrine of Qigong, and it has been valued for its mental and physical health benefits.
to adhere to the core principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.
Initial Chinese government reaction to the increasing popularisation of this spiritual community in the early 1990s was positive.
By July of 1999, the government had announced that Falun Gong was a proscribed organisation and that it should be ‘outlawed and extirpated throughout China’ (Ministry of Public Security, 1999).
Amnesty International’s report in December 2000 stated that 77 members had died in custody since July 1999 as a result of ill-treatment, and it condemned the Chinese authorities for failing to investigate such gross violations of human rights (Amnesty International, 2001).
The scale of this abuse is in the context of an estimated 3000 people being sent to mental hospitals for expressing political views in the past two decades (Munro, 2000a). This toll surpasses even the excesses of the Soviet state psychiatric system.
Approximately 70 million Chinese were practitioners of the exercises, a number which exceeded Communist Party membership at that time.
Chinese authorities have frequently asserted that Falun Gong is an ‘evil cult’ and have waged a propaganda campaign to discredit the movement and justify the group’s suppression.
中國將法輪功定義成邪教。Psychiatric abuse濫用精神醫學
A distinctive aspect of the Chinese government’s campaign against Falun Gong has been the forced incarceration of large numbers of its followers in psychiatric hospitals, despite evidence from families refuting the presence of mental illness in most cases.
Since the crackdown began, it is estimated that at least 600 practitioners (Munro, 2000b) have been forcibly assigned psychiatric treatment, in an effort to compel them to renounce their beliefs.
As government reports have acknowledged that increasing numbers of practitioners account for a growing proportion of admissions to institutions like the Beijing University of Medical Science.
Accounts of treatment meted out in these hospitals make frequent reference to forced administration of antipsychotic drugs and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), deep insertion of acupuncture needles, and physical and psychological deprivations such as the use of seclusion and physical restraints.
The socalled ‘concentrated reformation process’ involves forcing detained practitioners to write confessional statements renouncing their belief in Falun Gong, with this often being a precondition of their release.
The interweaving of the practice of forensic psychiatry and the workings of the judicial system in China has created a ripe climate for the simultaneous criminalisation and medicalisation of dissenting activity.
Being heavily influenced by Soviet interpretation of mental pathology (Munro, 2000a), Chinese forensic psychiatrists have been all too ready to embrace a similarly wide concept of mental illness in general and schizophrenia in particular.
This is redolent of the ‘reformist delusions’ said to have emanated from ideological dissenters whom Soviet psychiatrists branded as suffering from ‘paranoid psychosis’ (Wing, 1974).
A forensic-psychiatric appraisal of those whose public behaviour attracted the attention of the authorities was made mandatory, under recent changes to Chinese criminal law.
Such detentions in psychiatric hospitals of people who have never been mentally ill by international standards are a clear abuse of the psychiatric process.
Principles underpinning an ethical framework for the practice of psychiatry have been articulated in documents such as ‘Principles for the protection of persons with mental illness and for the improvement of mental health care’, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1991 (United Nations, 1991).
Principle 4 states that ‘A determination of mental illness shall never be made on the basis of political, economic or social status, or membership in a cultural, racial or religious group, or for any other reason not directly relevant to mental health status’.
That ‘non-conformity with moral, social, cultural or political values or religious beliefs prevailing in a person’s community, shall never be a determining factor in the diagnosis of mental illness’.
What can and should be done?
The term‘psychiatric abuse’, such as we usually associated with the practice of forced hospitalisation of dissenters in the former Soviet Union, was rightly regarded as a horrifying distortion of this medical speciality.
As individuals, we must condemn the use of psychiatry as part of any apparatus of political repression and call on theWPA to investigate claims of abuse.
2009年12月26日 星期六
The Stigma of Mental Illness in Taiwan Newspapers
王美珍(Wang Mei-chang)
二、 媒體、精神病與烙印
即使是最危險的精神患者暴力發生率只有萬分之五,遠低於一般人一生中發生言語暴力或肢體衝突的機率。除此之外,即使精神病患有暴力行為發生,該行為也不一定單純是由精神病所引起,往往是還合併了其他的風險因素,如:酗酒、藥物濫用(substance misuse)等(Walsh,2002)。除此之外,也可能是受到嘲弄或是受害之後的反擊(Julio,2003)。
三、 研究重要性
長期的社區照護系統,這已經是現代精神病醫護不得不可的趨勢8。如果媒體的報導烙印了精神病患,便會使社區居民排拒精神復健中心在社區成立,形成NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)效應(Wahl,1993),使得民眾抗拒在自家附近成立復健安養中心,最終會使得精神病患無路可去。
(15). 其他。
(一).精神病患報導出現的版面 ::「地方/綜合」(44.7%)、「社會/社會焦點」(29.1%)。
『 攻擊性精神病患就好比不定時炸彈。民國七十三年間,精神異常男子蔡心讓闖入台北市螢橋國小,以油漆桶裝滿硫酸液潑向正在上課的學童,蔡心讓雖然當場持刀割腕切腹自殺死亡,但有卅九名天真可愛的學童卻無辜受害,當時教育部長朱匯森趕到醫院看見病童在病床上痛苦呻吟.搖頭慨嘆歹徒沒有人性,也以「吃人的老虎」形容精神病患隱藏在社會人群中所造成的威脅和危害⋯⋯』【1997-06-26/聯合報/14版/綜合新聞】
『(標題)「垃圾屋」惡臭 芳鄰欲抓狂疑似精神病患 屋內養鴿、狗 還堆廢棄物
『慘!慘!!精神病婦 殺害兩稚子 割腕獲救 酗酒 嗑藥 忘了我是誰 手持藍波刀 開腸 破腹』【1991-10-20/聯合報/07版/社會新聞】
『不定時炸彈連環爆 精神患者夜刺病友 一死一傷』
『精神病患遊走泰山街頭猶如不定時炸彈 鄉民膽戰』
『抓狂的煞星當街揮刀見人就砍殺死兩路人 中壢市傳命案,精神病患劉育華涉嫌行兇後企圖自殺,被捕送醫未脫險』
The Stigma of Mental Illness in Taiwan Newspapers
王美珍(Wang Mei-chang)
二、 媒體、精神病與烙印
即使是最危險的精神患者暴力發生率只有萬分之五,遠低於一般人一生中發生言語暴力或肢體衝突的機率。除此之外,即使精神病患有暴力行為發生,該行為也不一定單純是由精神病所引起,往往是還合併了其他的風險因素,如:酗酒、藥物濫用(substance misuse)等(Walsh,2002)。除此之外,也可能是受到嘲弄或是受害之後的反擊(Julio,2003)。
三、 研究重要性
長期的社區照護系統,這已經是現代精神病醫護不得不可的趨勢8。如果媒體的報導烙印了精神病患,便會使社區居民排拒精神復健中心在社區成立,形成NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)效應(Wahl,1993),使得民眾抗拒在自家附近成立復健安養中心,最終會使得精神病患無路可去。
(15). 其他。
(一).精神病患報導出現的版面 ::「地方/綜合」(44.7%)、「社會/社會焦點」(29.1%)。
『 攻擊性精神病患就好比不定時炸彈。民國七十三年間,精神異常男子蔡心讓闖入台北市螢橋國小,以油漆桶裝滿硫酸液潑向正在上課的學童,蔡心讓雖然當場持刀割腕切腹自殺死亡,但有卅九名天真可愛的學童卻無辜受害,當時教育部長朱匯森趕到醫院看見病童在病床上痛苦呻吟.搖頭慨嘆歹徒沒有人性,也以「吃人的老虎」形容精神病患隱藏在社會人群中所造成的威脅和危害⋯⋯』【1997-06-26/聯合報/14版/綜合新聞】
『(標題)「垃圾屋」惡臭 芳鄰欲抓狂疑似精神病患 屋內養鴿、狗 還堆廢棄物
『慘!慘!!精神病婦 殺害兩稚子 割腕獲救 酗酒 嗑藥 忘了我是誰 手持藍波刀 開腸 破腹』【1991-10-20/聯合報/07版/社會新聞】
『不定時炸彈連環爆 精神患者夜刺病友 一死一傷』
『精神病患遊走泰山街頭猶如不定時炸彈 鄉民膽戰』
『抓狂的煞星當街揮刀見人就砍殺死兩路人 中壢市傳命案,精神病患劉育華涉嫌行兇後企圖自殺,被捕送醫未脫險』
Definitions and Meanings of Social Exclusion
Definitions and Meanings of Social Exclusion
Smyth and Jones (1999, p. 13) note the extent to which the term has been used to describe a broad range of social issues, including the marginalised position of women, disabled children, homeless people, ethnic minorities, young people and nomadic workers.
Smyth and Jones (1999, p. 13) note the extent to which the term has been used to describe a broad range of social issues, including the marginalised position of women, disabled children, homeless people, ethnic minorities, young people and nomadic workers.Within a socio-economic context where independence (or dependence on the labour market) is normative, those individuals who rely on welfare services for income support, housing etc. are easily labelled as deficient and seen to be responsible for their circumstances.
'… what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, bad health and family breakdown' (Cabinet Office, 2000).
Policy from a social constructionist perspective can be seen as a process of argumentation wherein policy constitutes a representation of a political issue. In this context, social exclusion has been conceptualised as:
Disadvantage related to social economic and political norms;
The process through which disadvantage comes about; and
The outcome of processes of marginalisation.
Percy Smith (2000) notes that commonalties include definitions that identify: (i) multiple factors; (ii) the dynamic nature of social exclusion; (iii) policy frameworks; and (iv) views about the need for participation in mainstream society.
Benn (2000), pp. 314-317) notes that the social exclusion paradigm does little to challenge labour market trends towards casualisation and lower wages and, in encouraging people into the resultant low-paid employment, fails to adequately deal with poverty.
The capitulation and failure to address the fundamental inequities of late capitalism is seen by some authors to be a major flaw in the social exclusion discourse.
Ruth Levitas (1998), in an insightful and telling critique, notes the concept of social exclusion is the reduction of complex inequities and divisions into a simple dichotomy that ignores the inequities within the so-called excluded (e.g. the working poor) and minimises considerations of race, class and gender. Her work is critical in providing an analysis of the multiple meanings and political malleability of the term. Such flexibility has a political purpose in that different, often contradictory meanings of the term are used to inform policy that legitimates the current restructuring of social relations and ignores structural inequities, despite a rhetoric that acknowledges them.
Homelessness and Social Exclusion
For the most part, homelessness has been predominately explained at the causal level, however as a function of individual deficit, whether as individual moral failings (e.g. alcoholism, dysfunctional personalities, gamblers etc.) or victims of systemic inequities (e.g. labour market restructuring, housing market changes). In these explanations, the emphasis is on individual change or adaptation to societal norms and priorities.
Foucauldian concepts of discourse, power/knowledge and surveillance to pose a challenge to the construction of homelessness as a social exclusion.
need for researchers, policy and service provision to be more inclusive of the voices of homeless people in the development of both policy and services.
the concept of social exclusion has underpinned the establishment of policy units aimed at addressing the needs of identified groups of socially excluded.
using concepts from a social constructionist, and in particular Foucauldian, perspective on social policy.
the adoption of Chamberlain and Johnson's (2001) 'objective' cultural definition of homelessness
Chamberlain and Johnson (2001, pp. 39-40) argue a case for establishing an objective definition of homelessness based on an understanding of shared community standards of minimum housing requirements.
Within the context of the current discussion, previous observations (Watson & Austerbury, 1986; Keys Young, 1999; Watson, 2000) of the gendered and racialised definitions of homelessness are pertinent. Watson (2000) combines insights from Foucauldian and feminist theory to underline how such objective definitions make women's situation invisible while articulating the potential for developing more comprehensive and critical understandings of how homelessness is both constructed and constituted as a social problem.
These insights are significant in the context of the current discussion when one conceptualises explanations of homelessness as being characterised by the binary concepts, such as 'homed and homeless'. Robinson's (2002) discussion of the meaning of home that those officially or objectively defined as homeless attach to their spatial location underlines the significant shortcomings of objective measures in understanding the diverse experiences of those represented as homeless in policy, research and the media. Robinson's work stresses the importance of incorporating subjectivities and a subject's sense of space in any understanding of the experience of circumstances and is said to constitute the social problem of homelessness.
Exclusion is seen to be a particular property of populations that both symbolically and physically have no stake in society and pose threats to hegemonic principles of independence. Within the British context, such dependencies are to be addressed by programmes that '… assume citizens must exercise personal responsibility by taking up opportunities at school and in the labour market' (Crowther, 2002, p. 204),
A Foucauldian perspective sees welfare practice as a discursive practice in which definitions are contested and administrative, juridical and technical discourses can be seen as expert knowledges that separate the client from the professional. These can be challenged by the discourses of service users and clients (Fraser, 1989, p. 117). An analysis of discursive practices from a Foucauldian perspective translates the politics of needs interpretation, which characterises exclusion/inclusion paradigms to ones that can be seen as politics of discipline, control and subjectification.
homeless populations are constructed within social relations of power that totalise subordinated groups at the expense of a more thorough exploration of their heterogeneity.
the relationship between power and knowledge and how such a relationship is embedded in contemporary thinking and practices in service delivery to 'homeless' people.
that people unable to access resources that are considered necessary for full participation in society are labelled and constructed as excluded, dependent, disinterested and, in some cases, a threat to civic order.
customer service models and public management agenda contribute to a range of client constructions that individualise, and in some cases pathologise, client presentations. In many respects, the structural context in which poverty, social dislocation and disadvantage occur is reduced to the identification of disadvantage in individuals.
Policy discussions around social exclusion are primarily concerned with social cohesion and are characterised by the language of community (Everingham, 2001, p. 105) and a commitment to policies that seek to integrate atomised individuals.
Linked to these concepts are those of normality and otherness, which mark the social divisions and sites where borders of inclusion and exclusion can be drawn (e.g. homeless/homed).
Research and policy understandings of homelessness as social exclusion, while acknowledging contested definitions, assume the category 'homeless' as a given, although radically different explanations about causation, characteristics and potential intervention strategies are provided to address the 'problem'.
The accounts are derived from expert understanding (social scientists policy makers, service providers) and reflect a power/knowledge axis embedded in the social construction of homelessness as a social problem. Usually the experiences and knowledge of the persons who are the object of investigation are missed, or at least reconfigured through an expert gaze.
Foucault's understanding of discursive formation and power (Foucault, 1994a, pp. 326-348) assists in challenging the oppositions that underpin social policy formations based on hierarchical privileging of expert knowledges while creating the space for reclaiming subjugated understandings.
Within the context of homelessness as social exclusion, Foucault's metaphor of the panopticon (Focault, 1979, pp. 195-228) provides an alternative perspective through which to understand the construction of homeless clients. This is manifest as a highly ritualised use of power that identifies, classifies, categorises and subjects individuals to increasing levels of surveillance at the level of both policy development and service delivery.
From these identified problems, planning interventions can be developed and evaluated in terms of their effectiveness in returning individuals to 'normality'. These discourses contribute to the formation of the homeless person as object, with most concern being the management and surveillance of homeless populations in the form of data collection, instalment of support/rehabilitation programmes and the promotion of normative behaviours around independence.
The surveillance that the client undergoes informs a web of documentation and a discourse that serves to objectify and, in many cases, increase the gaze of the expert on the lives of individuals at the expense of broader frames of reference. Given the hegemony of these discourses, there are limitations to the extent to which programmes can be evaluated in terms that consider the distressing effects that broad structural changes have on the lives of people.
Smyth and Jones (1999, p. 13) note the extent to which the term has been used to describe a broad range of social issues, including the marginalised position of women, disabled children, homeless people, ethnic minorities, young people and nomadic workers.
Smyth and Jones (1999, p. 13) note the extent to which the term has been used to describe a broad range of social issues, including the marginalised position of women, disabled children, homeless people, ethnic minorities, young people and nomadic workers.Within a socio-economic context where independence (or dependence on the labour market) is normative, those individuals who rely on welfare services for income support, housing etc. are easily labelled as deficient and seen to be responsible for their circumstances.
'… what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime environments, bad health and family breakdown' (Cabinet Office, 2000).
Policy from a social constructionist perspective can be seen as a process of argumentation wherein policy constitutes a representation of a political issue. In this context, social exclusion has been conceptualised as:
Disadvantage related to social economic and political norms;
The process through which disadvantage comes about; and
The outcome of processes of marginalisation.
Percy Smith (2000) notes that commonalties include definitions that identify: (i) multiple factors; (ii) the dynamic nature of social exclusion; (iii) policy frameworks; and (iv) views about the need for participation in mainstream society.
Benn (2000), pp. 314-317) notes that the social exclusion paradigm does little to challenge labour market trends towards casualisation and lower wages and, in encouraging people into the resultant low-paid employment, fails to adequately deal with poverty.
The capitulation and failure to address the fundamental inequities of late capitalism is seen by some authors to be a major flaw in the social exclusion discourse.
Ruth Levitas (1998), in an insightful and telling critique, notes the concept of social exclusion is the reduction of complex inequities and divisions into a simple dichotomy that ignores the inequities within the so-called excluded (e.g. the working poor) and minimises considerations of race, class and gender. Her work is critical in providing an analysis of the multiple meanings and political malleability of the term. Such flexibility has a political purpose in that different, often contradictory meanings of the term are used to inform policy that legitimates the current restructuring of social relations and ignores structural inequities, despite a rhetoric that acknowledges them.
Homelessness and Social Exclusion
For the most part, homelessness has been predominately explained at the causal level, however as a function of individual deficit, whether as individual moral failings (e.g. alcoholism, dysfunctional personalities, gamblers etc.) or victims of systemic inequities (e.g. labour market restructuring, housing market changes). In these explanations, the emphasis is on individual change or adaptation to societal norms and priorities.
Foucauldian concepts of discourse, power/knowledge and surveillance to pose a challenge to the construction of homelessness as a social exclusion.
need for researchers, policy and service provision to be more inclusive of the voices of homeless people in the development of both policy and services.
the concept of social exclusion has underpinned the establishment of policy units aimed at addressing the needs of identified groups of socially excluded.
using concepts from a social constructionist, and in particular Foucauldian, perspective on social policy.
the adoption of Chamberlain and Johnson's (2001) 'objective' cultural definition of homelessness
Chamberlain and Johnson (2001, pp. 39-40) argue a case for establishing an objective definition of homelessness based on an understanding of shared community standards of minimum housing requirements.
Within the context of the current discussion, previous observations (Watson & Austerbury, 1986; Keys Young, 1999; Watson, 2000) of the gendered and racialised definitions of homelessness are pertinent. Watson (2000) combines insights from Foucauldian and feminist theory to underline how such objective definitions make women's situation invisible while articulating the potential for developing more comprehensive and critical understandings of how homelessness is both constructed and constituted as a social problem.
These insights are significant in the context of the current discussion when one conceptualises explanations of homelessness as being characterised by the binary concepts, such as 'homed and homeless'. Robinson's (2002) discussion of the meaning of home that those officially or objectively defined as homeless attach to their spatial location underlines the significant shortcomings of objective measures in understanding the diverse experiences of those represented as homeless in policy, research and the media. Robinson's work stresses the importance of incorporating subjectivities and a subject's sense of space in any understanding of the experience of circumstances and is said to constitute the social problem of homelessness.
Exclusion is seen to be a particular property of populations that both symbolically and physically have no stake in society and pose threats to hegemonic principles of independence. Within the British context, such dependencies are to be addressed by programmes that '… assume citizens must exercise personal responsibility by taking up opportunities at school and in the labour market' (Crowther, 2002, p. 204),
A Foucauldian perspective sees welfare practice as a discursive practice in which definitions are contested and administrative, juridical and technical discourses can be seen as expert knowledges that separate the client from the professional. These can be challenged by the discourses of service users and clients (Fraser, 1989, p. 117). An analysis of discursive practices from a Foucauldian perspective translates the politics of needs interpretation, which characterises exclusion/inclusion paradigms to ones that can be seen as politics of discipline, control and subjectification.
homeless populations are constructed within social relations of power that totalise subordinated groups at the expense of a more thorough exploration of their heterogeneity.
the relationship between power and knowledge and how such a relationship is embedded in contemporary thinking and practices in service delivery to 'homeless' people.
that people unable to access resources that are considered necessary for full participation in society are labelled and constructed as excluded, dependent, disinterested and, in some cases, a threat to civic order.
customer service models and public management agenda contribute to a range of client constructions that individualise, and in some cases pathologise, client presentations. In many respects, the structural context in which poverty, social dislocation and disadvantage occur is reduced to the identification of disadvantage in individuals.
Policy discussions around social exclusion are primarily concerned with social cohesion and are characterised by the language of community (Everingham, 2001, p. 105) and a commitment to policies that seek to integrate atomised individuals.
Linked to these concepts are those of normality and otherness, which mark the social divisions and sites where borders of inclusion and exclusion can be drawn (e.g. homeless/homed).
Research and policy understandings of homelessness as social exclusion, while acknowledging contested definitions, assume the category 'homeless' as a given, although radically different explanations about causation, characteristics and potential intervention strategies are provided to address the 'problem'.
The accounts are derived from expert understanding (social scientists policy makers, service providers) and reflect a power/knowledge axis embedded in the social construction of homelessness as a social problem. Usually the experiences and knowledge of the persons who are the object of investigation are missed, or at least reconfigured through an expert gaze.
Foucault's understanding of discursive formation and power (Foucault, 1994a, pp. 326-348) assists in challenging the oppositions that underpin social policy formations based on hierarchical privileging of expert knowledges while creating the space for reclaiming subjugated understandings.
Within the context of homelessness as social exclusion, Foucault's metaphor of the panopticon (Focault, 1979, pp. 195-228) provides an alternative perspective through which to understand the construction of homeless clients. This is manifest as a highly ritualised use of power that identifies, classifies, categorises and subjects individuals to increasing levels of surveillance at the level of both policy development and service delivery.
From these identified problems, planning interventions can be developed and evaluated in terms of their effectiveness in returning individuals to 'normality'. These discourses contribute to the formation of the homeless person as object, with most concern being the management and surveillance of homeless populations in the form of data collection, instalment of support/rehabilitation programmes and the promotion of normative behaviours around independence.
The surveillance that the client undergoes informs a web of documentation and a discourse that serves to objectify and, in many cases, increase the gaze of the expert on the lives of individuals at the expense of broader frames of reference. Given the hegemony of these discourses, there are limitations to the extent to which programmes can be evaluated in terms that consider the distressing effects that broad structural changes have on the lives of people.
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